Pea Pesto Crostini

More than ever, my guests are eating a “plant forward” or Vegan diet , or simply avoiding the heavier appetizers.

That’s the time to say “we see you” with an appetizer that will please everyone, even that thin-as -a -rail Vegan niece.

Try visualizing “whirled peas”. No really! Fresh, blanched and drained peas whirled in the cuisinart with good EVOO, Parmesan, parsley leaves, seasonings and toasted pine nuts.

Bright green and velvety, this spread needs no recipe, just salt to tastes and spread on freshly toasted baguette right before serving. The color will oxidize if done too far ahead.

Simple, good for you and appealing even to kids….VISUALIZE WHIRLED PEAS this Independence Day!