What does it mean to be authentic? Why do we consider these things as a new year draws close?
Maybe because we’ve seen a few years come and go….and we realize with ever sharpening clarity that there is no time BUT the present and the time is nigh to come to terms with many things, especially being true to oneself
End of life issues come into focus, health strategies ( use it or lose it!) ,personal fears , interpersonal truths and , hey, it’s time to be beginning to live absolutely fully because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I’ve heard it said “DON’T POSTPONE JOY”. I believe it is time to wear the good clothes or pass them on, lighten up, take the jewelry out of the bank and wear it, make that special recipe to share , volunteer at the food bank, give your attention fully to the moment and exalt every one of them through mindfulness.
Done are the days of people pleasing , I’m more geared now to helping within the community and the needs are many. Learn to be a true friend, a good listener. A fearless learner. An activist.
Living beyond my means because there’s pressure and so much cool stuff to buy? Nah, I asked for a hairbrush, groceries and socks for Christmas. Reduce, reuse, recycle…PAY ATTENTION to the things that matter, like our planet and how we choose to live on it. How can we best make a difference with our relationship to this living breathing thing we call Earth?
Why was it such an obstacle course getting here? To this place of relative peace and clarity? The markers are always there, but the noice ABATES as we gain focus and breathe fully.
If we’re lucky, the path forward becomes clear and a balanced illumination guides us into a new circle around the Sun.
Happy New Year! ~ Laura