Family Egg Nog Recipe

Ring in the New Year Right! Serves six, this recipe doubles well and is pretty quick to pull together.

We like whiskey in our egg nog, not the traditional rum. So, that’s how we serve it at home.

I’ve tried it both ways and I much prefer my eggnog “not completely raw”, We use backyard eggs and separate the yolks, beating them with sugar and FRESH nutmeg, and a dash of mace, then cooking them over low heat until you achieve a simmer. Then temper the hot egg mixture into the raw eggs slowly, so as not to curdle. Here’s the recipe:


  • 6 eggs, separated, beat the whites till stiff peaks, set aside
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg, pinch salt and vanilla optional


  1. Whisk the eggs and sugar, vanilla, salt in a medium sized bowl until creamy.
  2. In a sauce pan, over medium heat stir together milk, cream and nutmeg/mace until a simmer is achieved.
  3. Slowly add the hot milk to the eggs mixture ( this is tempering)a spoonful at a time, then return the mixture to the stove.
  4. Whisk constantly until thickened a bit ( minute or two), then allow to cool.
  5. When cooled we fold the stiffly beaten whites into the mixture and let everyone add their spirit of choice or this is also delicious “virgin”. Top with a grate if fresh nutmeg

Best enjoyed around the fireplace with loved ones. Cheers!